Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28th

Today was quite on my side. There were alot of stars out but not a lot happened. I will have to wait for tomorrow,sorry this is so short but I don't have my laptop on and I am very tired.-until tomorrow

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27th

I feel TIRED, I could have written this sooner, but i had no time in my day and this was the only moment i could. First off happy easter and second off we are very close to the next moon phase, i can barely controlled my emotions not that i usually get them for the moon but this is a very special one seeing as this will be the first phase that i will be covering in my blog. the moon was close to the next phase and i am not going to lie staring at the moon thinking about what was up there and how we could see it up close well that was the happiest thing to come out of my day. i was writing my post and it seems i don't cover a lot so i think in the next few days i will write more about what the stars look like and then the moon, the number of constellations i see. to top it off i will start on the goal i have for myself. i did not have a chance to calculate a good base and width number for the stars yet i am still focusing on how i can calculate and by how much. I am thinking a good 10x by 5x square to start off with and then move up if i need to.-Until Tomorrow

Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26th

My Second post, Boy am i scared to do this. well here i go. The stars were very visible from where i stood and watch out my telescope tonight, it seemed to come bounce off the sky if you will with how many i could see. i would i have taken a photo of it although my phone was dead and i own no camera. the moon was close to being first quarter today, one must wait to see the beauty of the universe and then capture it with it hearts desires at least that's what i always say. my post will be short only because i can only describe what i see and what i see is barely the beginning. i once thought the big dipper was above my house, it was really exciting. well- Until Tomorrow

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25

The Sky was rather blurry today for when i stood, The moon was close to full today, of course after a full moon it would be. i wish i got to explore more if only i could got past where i stood and took a ride though the stars maybe one day i will be able to, one can only hope. when i looked up at the stars, i could only see a fraction of what the universe was. i wanted to apply the methods of area to see how many stars i would see, sadly whatever area formula whether it be square or circle would not count how many stars in the sky. so i gave up for now i will continue to try and count the stars in my area with this method, hmm i always wanted to have a yearly goal. speaking of things about me, i love questioning how things work it's why i want to be a Astronomer, what's more questioning then the universe itself. Seeing how things work could improve our way of life in the present and the future.I'm rather tangent which is why i tend to go of topic, i do apologize i want to get better but how can one focus on one particular thing. Finally i will be furthering my studies day to day in order to discover more about the universe and have a setup for my work as a Astronomer. I think about how in 30 years i will look back at this and wonder what i could have done differently but in this moment of time i was just simply view what i thought to be the moon and the stars that surround of course there is way more in between just not visible to the naked eye. Until tomorrow-